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柔道 Judo 学校法人興誠学園 興誠高等学校(現 浜松学院高等学校)1年生の時に、「浜松市スポーツ祭 無段者個人の部」で大人相手に優勝。のちに、柔道部の主将を務める。 During Freshmen at Educational Institution of Kousei Academy High School (Currently, Hamamatsu Gakuin High School), won against an adult in “Hamamatsu Sports Festival Mudansha Individual’s Match,” and later became captain of the high school’s Judo Club. 名古屋商科大学柔道部では副将を務め、名古屋商科大学体育会より功労賞を受賞。 柔道を通して、「礼節を重んじる」姿勢を教わる。 Was Vice President of Judo Club at Nagoya University of Commerce & Business. Received Achievement Award from University’s physical education society. Learned “Value of civility” from doing judo. 5