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─ What kind of assistance do you offer to people who have started to experience forgetfulness symptoms? I tell them to avoid cutting themselves off from social interactions, and explain that becoming more active as a member of society will help them improve. Conversation and other forms of communication are the best ways to preserve cognitive functions, which is why going out and talking to other people is so important. If the patient is employed in a position with considerable responsibility, I tell them to avoid quitting and stick with it. Some people tell me that because they are becoming more forgetful, at their age it's probably a good time to quit their job, but the actual solution is just the opposite. Teeth are also important. With dementia, many people experience apathy, which reduces their desire to stay active and do things in general. The anterior cingulate gyrus is responsible for this apathy, and its function has been shown to correlate with tongue movement and pressure. A common belief you might hear in Japan is that people who chew their food thoroughly while eating are more proactive and energetic, and in this case the belief may be right on target. In some cases, we can use ultrasonic devices and similar to stimulate the cranial area and thus improve blood flow and metabolism. Increased cranial blood fl ow boosts nerve cell metabolism, which improves brain function. in addition to following logically, this has been proven through basic research and it is currently the subject of clinical research aimed at developing treatment methods. It is also important for dementia patients to avoid believing information provided by popular media without first doing their own research to confi rm. For example, the widespread beliefs that caff eine and alcohol can worsen dementia is not only wrong, but contrary to the truth.in the case of caffeine or alcohol consumed in reasonable amounts, that is. Many also believe that loosening up the contents of canned mackerel, a popular food, after removing it from the can, or else heating it, eliminates EPA [eicosapentaenoic acid] and DHA [docosahexaenoic acid] content and thus destroys the antioxidant eff ects.again, this is not true. It's important for everyone to develop a reasonable amount of reliable knowledge on the topic of dementia. ─ So communication is most important, correct? Yes, dementia patients should engage in conversation and other communication in general. Furthermore, staying active prevents muscle strength deterioration, and also lowers the risk of sarcopenia [loss of muscle mass caused by factors such as aging and illness, leading to deteriorating bodily functions] as well as the risk of general frailty [brought on by age]. Currently, we're preparing an event in which we will set up a booth off ering vegetables from the Miura Peninsula, gather elderly people together, and use the opportunity to engage in interpersonal communication. In short, talking with people and moving around are important. For those who don't like leaving the house, nursing-care and rehabilitation personnel can make home visits, or patients can invite friends to come over to their house. Professor Yuta Manabe Department of Dementia and Geriatric Internal Medicine, Kanagawa Dental University Hospital PROFILE Yuta Manabe Professor, Department of Dementia and Geriatric Internal Medicine, Kanagawa Dental University Hospital; Doctor of medicine and visiting professor, Emergency & Critical Medicine Department, Fujita Health University Hospital; Medical specialist and instructor, Japan Society for Dementia Research; Recommended doctor, Research Society for Dementia with Lewy Bodies; Tokyo consulting physician, Dementia with Lewy Bodies Support Network 3 |