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69 My father's relentless work ethic has allowed me to choose which path to lead in life.an option which he never had. Making most of this precious opportunity, I will discover which path I would like to contribute my life to and pursue it diligently. This is how I will return the favor to him... Then, in the near future, I seek to become the one who can influence my sons, daughters, friends, and people all over the world through my hard work. As I left my father’s store, I put my sunglasses back into my backpack. Walking towards home, I took out my iPhone and set a reminder to bring his bento box to our store the next day. <日本語訳> じりじりとした夏の日差しが、のろのろとした足取りで 父の新しい肉屋に弁当を届けに行っているぼくの体力を奪